Canal Routes Home



Every possible step has been taken to ensure that the material on this site is either our own work (with the great contribution of Peter Hardcastle), is copyright free and/or we have the owners permission to include it.

However, because we include contributions from members of the public the situation may arise whereby we have been sent material which the contributor did not have permission to reproduce.

If you spot any material on this site that belongs to you or that you know we do not have permission to reproduce, please contact us and the offending material will be removed as soon as possible.


This site is NOT intended to be a canal news site. It is intended as a canal guide and history site. Please look elsewhere for up to date news. Generally the cut-off point for my history sections is 1999 (although some pages differ).

We have had to set a cut-off to prevent the site from becoming an on-going news site, which is not what it is intended to be. Therefore, please do not send us every tiny news item about your favourite canal, we will almost certainly NOT add such items to the site.